Lyrik is a plug-in for WinAmp that will show you the lyrics of any song played. Once you install it, Lyrik will list itself between WinAmp's General Purpose plug-ins. From that moment on, each time you play a song, Lyrik will show the according lyrics in a transparent blue window, after downloading them from the Lyrik's database using your Internet connection. With a broadband connection, it takes merely a second. If the lyrics in the server are well synchronized, you'll see the words of the current verse in the song highlighted. The text will show the complete lyric, statically, if it's not synchronized. You can resize the Lyrik's window, and browse through the text using the mouse's wheel. This program also allows you to edit the lyrics and upload them to its servers. Through the Preferences menu you will also be able to change the configuration parameters of the plug-in, such as the language you want to use with it (English, Arabic, Portuguese), the proxy you will be using for your Internet connection (if any), fonts, color, transparency, refresh rates and cache.